Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Clean out your pantry challenge!

Hello All!

I am so excited, because I actually enjoy this challenge. A year or so ago I found this challenge online and joined, it is very simple here goes:
Make a time frame 2 weeks-1 month depending on the food in your pantry and Freezer and Challenge yourself to only go to the store for FRESH fruit, veg, milk, butter, eggs you get the idea.
Get creative and use up what is already at home.
Throw out all expired foods, or freezer burns give yourself permission to get rid of it!
I am going to post recipes to help you be creative and use things up like the box of bisquick, or the oatmeal, how about that can of pineapple chunks, or can of peaches......

Please feel free to send me recipes as well and I will post here as we encourage each other.
I cannot wait to see your progress, read your creativty and watch you save money and DECLUTTER!

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